Global Engagement Initiative Award

Community-Engaged Learning Experiences


ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative Award

The ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative Award is intended to recognize outstanding community-engaged learning experiences within the world languages curriculum at all levels of instruction. Such initiatives may include a variety of experiences which engage students in cultural communities beyond tourism-based travel. Students of all ages and schools of all demographics can participate in a community of a different culture through activities such as service learning, project-based learning, internships, research projects, and virtual class exchanges.

Proced​ures for Nomination

  1. Nominations and self-nominations may be made only by ACTFL members.
  2. The nomination dossier must include the following documents (in order):
    1. A simple cover letter introducing the nominee and other dossier materials to follow, signed by an ACTFL member.
    2. No more than three letters of support clearly explaining the rationale for the choice of this nominee.
    3. Other supporting documentation not to exceed 10 pages (e.g., photos, artifacts from teaching, evidence of leadership, etc.) that documents evidence of the use of outstanding community-engaged learning experiences within the world languages curriculum, including a rationale for the experiences and how they have helped students attain the goals of the course (see rubric for specific criteria and indicators).
    4. Complete nomination dossiers must be submitted to ACTFL in one PDF file by the deadline.
  3. No member or officer of the ACTFL Board of Directors may write a letter of support for any award nominee or actively shepherd the nomination of an award candidate. If a dossier packet is resubmitted that contains a support letter written prior to the establishment of these guidelines, that letter will be removed from the packet by the Committee Chair.
  4. No member or officer of the ACTFL Board of Directors, or contracted employee is eligible for nomination for any award while holding these positions.

Criteria for Eligibility (Checklist)

  • Dossier includes introductory cover letter, maximum of three letters of support, and supporting documentation combined in one PDF file.

Procedures for the Selection Committee

  1. The award selection committee will be chaired by a member of ACTFL, who will be appointed by the ACTFL Past President. The chair will serve in a non-voting capacity.
  2. As soon as possible after the deadline for submission of nominations, the Committee Chair will circulate copies of the nomination dossiers to members of the committee.
  3. Committee members rate and rank the dossiers using the rubric and return their ratings and rankings to the Committee Chair by the date specified.
  4. At the discretion of the Committee, the award may or may not be presented during a given year.
  5. The Committee will select up to three programs to recognize, and programs may receive this recognition only once every four years.
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PDF View Evaluation Rubric

Global Engagement Initiative Award Rubric